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Back Pain in Croydon

Why see a chiropractor for back pain and neck pain?

side-adjustingBack pain is estimated to affect 80% of people at some stage of their lives. It’s a burden on the health system, interferes with normal daily activity, and costs society millions each year in missed work days. Early chiropractic, osteopathy, and physiotherapy intervention may help prevent chronic back issues from developing.

What Causes It?

Pain in the back can be the result of an injury, accident, overuse, disease, or other activities. Whatever the cause, when your back is hurting, it affects every area of your life. Most cases deal with lower back discomfort, which is acute, severe, and localised muscle and joint stiffness in the lower back and buttocks.

After undergoing a thorough assessment at our practice, our professionals create a plan to address the problem, using various modalities, in addition to adjustments, to provide pain relief and restore function. Our chiropractors, osteopaths, osteomyologists, and physiotherapists work together to manage the patient’s pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What muscles cause back pain?
The gluteals, piriformis, psoas, quadratus lumborum, and lumbar paraspinals, are the most commonly affected muscles, and the most likely to go into spasm. When muscles are strained, they become stiff and shorten, pulling on the structures in the spine to which they are attached.

What parts of the back are affected by this?

The lumbar vertebrae in the lower back, spanning from L1 to L5, are the most commonly affected joints in the lower back. When the muscles and joints remain abnormally restricted and tight over time, increased discomfort and further joint dysfunction is possible. Joint restriction may potentially lead to accelerated disc injuries, and over the years, osteoarthritis may build up in the spine.

Can this cause disc tearing?

The twisting of the spine due to muscle spasm may cause back discomfort and lead to disc tearing if the condition continues without appropriate intervention. Chiropractors provide appropriate intervention, and are well placed to help care for the issue or refer the patient out for assistance.

How is back discomfort detected?

It is detected during your spinal checkup at Croydon Sports Injury Clinic Ltd. Your chiropractor, physiotherapist, or osteopath may help prevent damaging joint dysfunction, and help you maintain optimal spinal health. Our professionals provide therapy for facet joint restrictions, which help restore normal joint function and reduce back issues.
What is an adjustment?
Chiropractors and osteopaths use a low-force, high-speed specific thrust administered through the area of joint restriction to help release the restricted joint. This is referred to as an adjustment. The cavitation sound or “pop” associated with an adjustment, is from the release of gas as it escapes between the two articulating surfaces being adjusted. Chiropractors and osteopaths provide manual spinal adjustments as part of the care for all problems.

Chiropractors and osteopaths are among the world’s most skilled manual spinal adjusters, and are highly trained in assessing, diagnosing, and addressing back pain, as well as other musculoskeletal conditions.

Relieving discomfort is aided by effective chiropractic, physiotherapy, or osteopathic intervention. The manual adjustments used by chiropractors and osteopaths help release joint restrictions, reduce muscle spasms, and assist with restoring normal spinal joint function.

What if I just get a massage, won’t that fix my problem?

Massage therapy and muscle relaxants, if given by your GP, may help with some problems by releasing tightness in the muscle tissue. Often muscles are only temporarily relieved, but chiropractic or osteopathic manipulative treatment may be necessary to restore spinal mobility and remove the joint restrictions.

How do I become a patient to have my back discomfort assessed?

If you have experienced severe and debilitating health issues, getting a checkup with an osteopath, chiropractor, or physiotherapist is recommended. At Croydon Sports Injury Clinic Ltd, we help manage musculoskeletal pain caused by joint restrictions.

Book an Appointment Today!

Contact our office to schedule your appointment today. We’re here to help!


Back Pain Croydon, Sanderstead, Selsdon | Email: